Never Ignore the Signs of a Car Problem

Never Ignore the Signs of a Car Problem

Reasons Why You May Need a New Catalytic Converter

by Dennis Fletcher

As a car owner, it’s important to keep your vehicle running smoothly and efficiently. One of the key components that can impact your car’s overall performance is the catalytic converter. As a vital part of your car’s exhaust system, the catalytic converter is responsible for reducing harmful emissions before they are released into the environment. Over time, however, this component may wear out and require replacement. This blog post will take a closer look at reasons why you may need a new catalytic converter for your vehicle.

Age and Wear: 

One of the most common reasons why catalytic converters fail is due to their age and wear. Depending on your car’s make and model, your catalytic converter may vary in terms of longevity. If your car has exceeded its mileage or if your catalytic converter is more than a few years old, it may be time for a replacement.

Engine Misfires: 

A misfiring engine can also be a contributing factor to catalytic converter failure. When an engine misfires, raw fuel is sent through the exhaust system, which can overheat and damage the catalytic converter. If you notice your car’s engine is running rough or misfiring, don’t wait to have it diagnosed and repaired.


The catalytic converter relies on a clean and unobstructed flow of exhaust gases to function properly. However, if your car has a history of oil leaks or if you frequently drive in dusty or dirty conditions, contaminants can build up and clog the porous ceramic or honeycomb structure inside the catalytic converter. This will impair its ability to reduce emissions and may require a replacement.

Physical Damage: 

The catalytic converter is located towards the front of your car and can be easily damaged by road debris or from bottoming out. You may notice a rattling noise coming from under your car, or your “check engine” light may illuminate if your catalytic converter has sustained physical damage.

Failed Emissions Test: 

Finally, if your car fails an emissions test, it may be due to a malfunctioning catalytic converter. During the emissions test, the amount of pollutants released from your car is measured, and if these numbers are too high, your car will not pass. A new catalytic converter can help to reduce emissions and ensure your car passes the test.

As you can see, there are several reasons why you may need a new catalytic converter for your car. Whether it’s due to age and wear, engine misfires, contaminants, physical damage, or a failed emissions test, it’s important to have your catalytic converter diagnosed and replaced if necessary. If you suspect your car is experiencing any of these issues, don’t hesitate to bring it to a trusted mechanic for a diagnostic test. By staying on top of your car’s maintenance needs, you can enjoy better performance, fuel efficiency, and peace of mind from knowing your car is running its best.

For more info about catalytic converters, contact a local company. 


About Me

Never Ignore the Signs of a Car Problem

My parents surprised me with a car as a high school graduation gift. It wasn't brand new, but it looked great and ran very well. Everything was going well with it until one day it started making a funny noise that I just ignored. My check engine light also came on sometimes, but sometimes it would shut off. I ignored this all and decided my car was just "quirky." One day, I was driving a long distance to a friends house and my car "died" at a stop light. I then regretting ignoring the signs something was wrong with my car. Thankfully, it turned out I had a broken serpentine belt and it could be replaced. After this incident, I have been determined to learn more about the signs of car problems and what they mean. I want to share what I am learning on a blog to help others!
